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The Ability Life Initiative (TALI) carries out its goals through two major Committees. Resource Mobilisation Committee and Technical Committee.
Resource Mobilisation Committee
Members of this committee are tasked with sourcing and developing strategic ways to raise funds for TALI projects and events. Members of this committee are further tasked with managing the TALI budget and annual work plans to ensure the smooth implementation of programs to deliver the five arms of TALI.
Technical Committee
Members of this committee are tasked with developing effective programs that ensure TALI is in tandem with its five arms. Members monitor and evaluate the progress and performance of these TALI programs, using qualitative and quantitative data. Members here are further tasked to report the progress thus far and synthesize the next steps to the founders.
Marc Palmer
Éducateur de la faune
Sharon Feldman
Gestionnaire de programme
Joanie Davis
Directeur exécutif
Brian Wang
Debbie Stillman
Directeur de la conservation
Danny Williams
Coordonnateur de la restauration